The worst part about addiction is feeling alone. It doesn’t just affect the addict; the parents of an addict also feel alone. Being the parent of an addict, there are times it can seem like no one understands what you’re going through or how you feel. One of the most cutting questions that someone could ask you is “Do you feel as though there was anything you could have done to prevent his or her addiction?”
With this question you really know how to make a parent feel bad.
Every parent of an addict struggles with this every day. What could I have done, what did I miss?
As a parent of a son/daughter who is actively using, you may struggle with the concept of why you seem to have no impact on him or her no matter what you say or do. Nobody loves them like you do but it feels like you may have no impact on their using. As hard as it is to hear or believe, sometimes others can have a bigger impact on your son or daughter than you can.
Sometimes counselors, therapists, other addicts in recovery, police officers, ministers, judges and strangers can have a bigger impact than Mom and Dad.
Don’t fool yourself into believing that they do things or enter recovery because of Mom and Dad. They do it for themselves. Be patient, allow and encourage others to enter your child’s life. Your loved one that is addicted to drugs must discover for themselves that there is a different reality possible for them. They CAN be clean and sober.
One of the best things you could do for your son or daughter is to provide opportunities for discovery.
Life Transformation Recovery is a Christian, non-profit addiction treatment center. We believe that even the worst heroin, alcohol, meth, cocaine, or marijuana addict can experience a life free from addiction!
From our heroin detox, alcohol detox, to our 3 month, 6 month or outpatient programs, Life Transformation Recovery brings the hope of a great future for you or your loved one. Call or contact us today at (844) 582-FREEDOM for more information.